School Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service


In all learning environments, both students and teachers constantly have so much on their hands such that tasks like, doing laundry could easily impact inconveniences. Due to their busy schedules, it is always very hard to find time for doing laundry and, still concentrate on academics. For students that are involved in extracurricular activities like, sports, doing laundry can even be more overwhelming and complex.

In larger learning institutions like, universities, the school management boards usually opt to set up in-house laundry stations. While such ideas are generally considered good, they have numerous requirements that will not only give your institution a hard time meeting the required academic standards but, also cost you so much money. In house laundry equipment are expensive to run and, can also be inconveniencing in cases of malfunction.

The most ideal option for proper and efficient school laundry is through hiring professional school laundry and dry cleaning services.

Why Hire Professional School Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service

In boarding schools where students and their teachers live in the institutions, laundry is always an important procedure for maintaining hygiene in the learning environments. Even in day schools, there are several fabrics and garments used in offices, classrooms, laboratories and other departments that also require regular cleaning. However, you cannot leave all these tasks to students and tutors since that could significantly cut into their time for studies and other academic activities.

Whenever you hire professional school laundry and dry cleaning services, the service provider will always take care of all the cleaning needs for students, teachers, offices, classrooms and other departments. As a result of this, students and teachers will have an ample time to focus on their core academic responsibilities. The services usually cater for a wide range of items, fabrics and garments, thereby eliminating all your woes about doing laundry for the entire learning period.

Professional school laundry and dry cleaning services will ensure the cleaning of uniforms, sporting costumes, curtains, bedding, linens and other garments. Besides, the personnel can also perform house cleaning for the classrooms, offices and boarding facilities. This will go a long way in preserving the fabrics while also maintaining a clean and conducive learning environment for students, their teachers and other workers. On the other hand, it could also impact a significant improvement in performance.

Hiring professional school laundry and dry cleaning services could also help the institution save quite a lot of money. Whenever you have professionals to take care of your school’s laundry needs, you will not need to invest huge amounts of money in setting up, maintaining and running an in-house laundry department. That money could be channelled onto other core learning materials for the school.

Unlike other cleaning tasks, doing laundry for school items and fabrics require special care based on the specific materials to be cleaned and their conditions. In fact, there are even some unique laundry and dry cleaning procedures that many students and common cleaners might not understand. As a result of this, having them do the laundry could impact serious damage to the fabrics and, also take a lot of time, causing delays and unnecessary expenses. Professionals clearly understand all the procedures to always ensure safe and effective school laundry.

The Best School Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service Singapore

When seeking professional school laundry and dry cleaning service Singapore, Laundry Service Singapore is the right partner to engage. Our company specializes in the most reliable, affordable and efficient laundry and dry cleaning services for all learning institutions across Singapore including, schools and universities.

In our job, we are always keen on the delivery of comprehensive, safe and highly efficient school laundry and dry cleaning services. Our services cater for a wide range of items including, school uniforms and costumes, curtains, linens, bedding, mattresses, upholstery as well as the garments used by the staff members.

We have adequate knowledge and experience in doing school laundry and dry cleaning to always see to it that all the fabrics and garments are effectively cleaned and preserved in pristine condition over time. We perform professional wet and dry wash, stain removal, folding and ironing to relive both students and their tutors from the burden of doing laundry.

Get in touch with us today for the best school laundry and dry cleaning service Singapore.

Stain removal is not guranteed